
Pemphigus is a shallow, painful corrosions and blisters on epidermal and mucosal surfaces. It is caused by autoantibodies against desmocollins and desmogleins in the epidermis. The onset is between 40 and 60 years of age.

Signs and Symptoms:
  • Shallow croisons on mucous membranes, developing slowly that may involve the skin
  • Shallow ulceration from blisters that are easily ruptured
  • Nikolsky's signs
  • Epistaxis, hoarseness, weakness, malaise and weight loss
  1. Immunologic staining of skin biopsy
  2. Acantholysis is seen on biopsy
  3. Increased serum levels of antibodies to desmoglein 1 and 3
  1. Oral steroids - imunosuppressants
  2. Plasmapheresis if the cases are severe
  3. Care the lesions as burns

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